
What Does Labor Operate In Order To Produce Goods And Services?

Factors of Production (4 Factors)

The resources (input) used to produce final products (output) are termed every bit factors of production.

In economic terms factors of production can be defined equally inputs that are used for the production of appurtenances or services with the aim to brand economic profit.

The factors, of production are the resources that include land, labor, capital, and enterprise.

State involves natural resources labor is associated with man resource, capital includes manmade resources, and enterprise combines all the iii cistron, to carry out the production process. Therefore, all the 4 factors of production are every bit important for the production activeness of an organization. According to Eraser, "Gene of production as a group or class of original productive resources."

The product process of an system tin can be efficient, if there is an optimal use of factors. This implies that the factors of production should be used in combination, so that the production target can be achieved. The factors of production can be used as complementary too equally substitute of each other.

For instance, if an organization has adequate capital but so it would hire labor for producing goods and services. Similarly, when skilled labor is available to produce goods and services, so simply the organization would invest capital for product purpose.

In such a case, land and capital are complementary to each other. On the other hand, if an arrangement has enough capital to buy advance engineering science, then information technology would adopt to reduce the number of labor. Withal, if the organisation has shortage of capital, then it would use more labor instead of investing on advance technology and machines. In such a case, capital and labor human activity as substitute of each other.

1. Land :

In literary sense, land is regarded as soil. Nevertheless, in economic science, land, a factor of production, has a much wider scope. Marshall has defined country equally, "the materials and the forces which nature gives freely for human's assistance, in land and water, in air and light and heat." Country refers to a natural resource that can be utilized to produce income. It is a useful factor of production, but is bachelor in limited quantity.

Certain facts near state are as follows:

i. Perceived as a gift of nature to man.

ii. Considered to be available in fixed quantity; therefore, does non have a supply price. This implies that the change in price of land does not affect its supply.

iii. Regarded as a permanent input having certain inherent backdrop, which are original and indestructible.

iv. Considered as an immobile factor of production.

v. Considered to have infinite variation in terms of fertility. This leads to variation in the prices of country.

ii. Labor :

Labor constitutes one of the important factors of production. This cistron involves human services and efforts for the production of appurtenances or services. Labor is commonly thought of a grouping of unskilled labor working in factories. Withal, in economical terms, a work, concrete or mental, carried out for monetary purpose is called labor.

A work that is undertaken past an individual for the sake of involvement and pleasure, then the individual would not exist regarded equally labor in economics. According to Marshall, "Whatever exertion of mind or body undergone partly or wholly with a view to some good other than the pleasance derived direct from the work is called labor."

Amidst all the factors of production, labor is the only factor that is living. This peculiarity of labor differentiates it from rest of the factors of production.

Some of the peculiarities of labor are as follows:

i. Labor cannot be separated from laborer. This is considering laborer needs to sell his/her labor.

ii. Labor is defined every bit the perishable cistron of production that has no reserve price.

iii. Labor is considered equally the weakest commodity in terms of bargaining power.

4. Modify in the price of labor would bear upon the supply of labor. In example of other commodities, supply rises with the rising in prices. In case of labor, supply of labor decreases with an increase in prices (wages) and vice versa. For instance, if the wage of a worker reduces, then other family members of worker starting time working to meet up the requirements of their family unit.

v. Adjustments in supply and demand of labor is difficult because it is difficult to increase or decrease labor instantly.

Production is organized on the basis of division of labor. Let us hash out about sectionalisation of labor in item.

Sectionalisation of Labor :

Adam Smith- the father of economics laid a greater emphasis on the concept of division of labor in his book, "An Enquiry into the Mature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" in 1776. He stated that division of labor plays a vital role in increasing the productivity of labor. According to him, partition of labor is the dynamic musical instrument for economic growth and evolution.

For explaining the importance of partitioning of labor, he cited an instance of pivot making in an organization. The pin making function of an organisation involves eighteen processes. If these eighteen processes are performed by a single worker, it would not be possible to complete the whole function or it may take much time to produce a single pivot. Therefore, if these tasks are divided amidst a number of workers, and then it would exist easier to produce large number of pins in a mean solar day.

According to Stingier, "the sectionalization of labor is not a quaint practice of eighteenth century pin factories; it is a fundamental principle of economic organization." Therefore, division of labor is useful to an organization in many ways.

There are different types of division of labor, which are explained as follows:

i. Simple Division of Labor:

Refers to the sectionalization of labor on the basis of their skills and occupations, such as carpenters and blacksmith. It is besides referred as functional division of labor.

ii. Circuitous Division of Labor:

Refers to the division of labor on the basis of business concern processes and sub-processes. For example, most of the organizations have different names for their processes, such equally marketing procedure, manufacturing process, and distribution process. These processes are delegated to different groups of labor depending on their skills and abilities.

iii. Territorial Division of Labor:

Refers to the division of labor on the basis of geographical locations. In this type of division of labor, the processes are performed by specific cities or towns that are specialized in it. For example, in India, Kashmir is famous for its carpets and shawls, whereas Punjab is popular for agronomics.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Division of Labor :

Division of labor is useful for an organisation in many ways.

Some of the advantages of partitioning of labor are equally follows:

i. Increasing Productivity:

Refers to one of the main advantage of sectionalization of labor. Some processes of an organization are so long, thus, cannot be completed by a single worker or he/she would require more than time to complete those processes. Consequently, the productivity of the organisation would be affected. If the procedure is divided among a number of workers, they would be able to perform information technology efficiency and in less duration of time.

While explaining the importance of partitioning of labor with respect to productivity, Adam Smith has used an example of manufacturing of a pivot. There are 18 processes crave to manufacture a single pin. In a day, 10 workers tin make 48,000 pins. This is possible if those 18 processes delegated amid a number of workers. Otherwise, it is hard to make a single pin by one worker performing all the 18 processes.

ii. Increasing Dexterity and Skills:

Implies that repetitive working on the same process makes workers expert of that process, which leads to reduction in errors.

three. Facilitating Inventions:

Implies that division of labor leads to innovation of new ideas considering the work becomes mechanical rather than mental. Therefore, workers can freely retrieve and generate innovative ideas.

iv. Saving Time:

Brings positive impact on the operation of an organization. If tasks are specified, workers need to perform the same task once more and once more, which brand them efficient in that item task. This ultimately results in reducing time.

v. Increasing Employment Opportunities:

Implies that if workers are divided equally per their skills and efficiency to perform different tasks, this would lead to an increase in the number of jobs.

vi. Encouraging Large-calibration Production:

Implies that partitioning of labor helps in increasing the quality and quantity of product. This motivates producers to increase the level of production.

Withal, sectionalization of labor is not gratuitous from disadvantages. Some of its disadvantages are as follows:

i. Monotony:

Implies that performing the same task again and again makes the work less interesting, which results in decrease in the motivation level of workers. This farther affects the productivity of labor.

ii. Human being Development:

Refers to the fact that job affects the mental and physical growth of an individual. A monotonous work makes the individual think in the aforementioned management. This may discourage individuals to recall freely and generate ideas.

iii. Loss of Skills:

Refers to i of the major agin furnishings of sectionalization of labor. Past sectionalisation, labor gets specialized in making only a role of the process and non the whole procedure; therefore, loses the skill to brand the whole production.

4. Personal Life:

Implies that increase in number of employment opportunities through division of labor also involve the employment of women and children. Involvement of women affects their personal lives and employment of children causes deterioration of their time to come.

five. Evils of Industrialization:

Refers to the fact that segmentation of labor leads to institution of more and more than industries. This may result in imbalance of environs and create a number of problems, such equally air pollution, water pollution, and global warming.

3. Capital :

In general terms, upper-case letter refers to the part of an private's income that is used for Income creation purposes. Upper-case letter is non considered as original factor of production. In economic science, the term capital is associated with capital appurtenances, such every bit institute, raw materials, fuel, and machinery. Among capital goods, raw material and goods under procedure are temporary considering these goods are repurchased later on a period of fourth dimension.

Even so, plant and machinery are goods that are permanent and are purchased only in one case. Autonomously from this, land cannot be regarded as capital considering of the dissimilarities betwixt the characteristics of land and capital letter. For example, land is natural, permanent, immobile, and fixed. On the other hand, majuscule is manmade, temporary, mobile, and differs from time to time.

Notwithstanding, upper-case letter is one of the of import factors as product of any kind of goods and services is dependent on upper-case letter. Production cannot take place without the involvement of capital. An system requires a number of majuscule goods, such as tools and mechanism, to produce goods.

Moreover, capital likewise plays a major role in economic development past raising productivity. Therefore, a nation should have an adequate amount of capital to invest in various economic development projects, such equally construction and renovation of infrastructure. This would help in generating employment opportunities and raising the standard of living.

Apart from this, capital likewise marks a greater significance in the lives of individuals to fulfill their different needs. An individual tin can accrue capital by compromising his/her current needs and saving for futurity. Therefore, saving is necessary for majuscule formation. Savings are non able to generate capital automatically; an individual needs to invest his/her savings for the generation of capital appurtenances.

4. Enterprise :

An enterprise is an entity, organization, or undertaking that is created for commercial purposes or business ventures and requires efforts. Information technology is focused on providing appurtenances and services keeping in view various aspects, such as financial, commercial, and industrial. An enterprise is equanimous of individuals and concrete assets with a common goal of generating profits.

According to Micro, Pocket-size, and Medium Enterprises Evolution (MSMED) Act, 2006 "Enterprise means an industrial undertaking or a business organization concern or whatsoever other establishment, by whatever name called, engaged in the industry or production of goods, in any manner, pertaining to whatever industry specified in the Starting time Schedule to the Industries (Development and Regulation) Human action, 1951 or engaged in providing or rendering of whatsoever service or services."

An individual, who creates an enterprise is called entrepreneur. The success or failure of an enterprise depends on the efficiency of the entrepreneur. An entrepreneur needs to be focused on adapting himself/herself according to the changes taking identify in the national economy, industries, and markets. In addition, he/she should strive to invent new products and services or bring innovation in the existing products and introduce them in the market.

Apart from this, he/she should likewise brand the optimal utilise of various resources, such as human, fabric, and machine. An entrepreneur should be set up to acquit risks and uncertainties involved in the concern. The formulation of an effective business program and sound execution help an entrepreneur to maximize the chances of success.

According to J. A. Schumpeter, a German economist, an entrepreneur has the power to change the way an economy is moving. He also advocated that an entrepreneur is the person who combines product factors to make the product process efficient. According to him, an entrepreneur is a foresighted person having a risk taking and innovation adequacy.

The innovation can be in following five fields:

i. New product

ii. New car

iii. New source of raw material supply

4. New market place

Scientific methods of organization :

Economist Joseph Schumpeter has given a significant contribution in agreement the concept of entrepreneurship. According to him, "An entrepreneur is a person who is willing and able to convert a new idea or invention into a successful innovation." In the view of Schumpeter an entrepreneur employs "the gale of creative destruction."

Creative devastation can be defined as the process of creating new production, business model, or other concern innovations by replacing the old ones. Thus, new products and technologies adult past entrepreneurs over time brand electric current products and technologies obsolete. For example, before the advent of mobile phones, pagers were very popular among people, only with the invention of mobile phones, pagers became obsolete.

Therefore, Schumpeter held the argument that creative destruction is the main cistron behind economic growth and industry dynamism. He too held a view that entrepreneurship results not merely in new industries, but likewise in new combinations of currently existing inputs.

Schumpeter exemplified this concept with the invention of a steam engine, which was used to develop a horseless carriage. Further, the horseless railroad vehicle was transformed into a car. This germination of auto from steam engine was non the development of a new technology, only the application of existing technologies in a novel manner.

Definition of an Entrepreneur :

An entrepreneur is an individual, who establishes an enterprise. The discussion entrepreneur has been derived from a French give-and-take enterprendre, which means to undertake. An entrepreneur is a person, who undertakes risks, mobilizes resource, and generates employment by establishing and running an enterprise.

Some of the entrepreneurship experts have given the following definitions of entrepreneurship:

Co-ordinate to Encyclopedia Americana (1988), "An entrepreneur is a businessman who assumes the run a risk of bringing together the means of product including capital, labor and textile and receives his reward in profit from the market place value of his product".

According to Schumpeter, "An entrepreneur characteristically innovates, introduces new technologies, increases efficiency, productivity, or generates new products or services. An entrepreneur acts every bit a catalyst for economic change and inquiry indicates that entrepreneurs are highly creative individuals who imagine new solutions by generating opportunities-for turn a profit or reward."

In the words of Peter F. Drucker, "An entrepreneur searches for change, responds to it and exploits opportunities. Innovation is the specific tool of an entrepreneur."

In the words of Richard Cantillion, "An entrepreneur is the amanuensis who buys means of production at a certain toll in society to combine them into a product that is going to sell at prices that are certain at the moment at which he commits himself to his costs."

According to International Labor Organization, "Entrepreneurs are people who have the ability to meet and evaluate business opportunities together with the necessary resource to take advantages of them and to intimate advisable action to ensure success."

According to Kirzner (1979), an entrepreneur is the arbitrageur, who buys a product in lower price and sells the same product in higher cost to earn profit.

Traits and Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur :

The success or failure of an enterprise depends on the efficiency of an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur undertakes various activities, such as formulating and implementing a business plan and managing resources, to establish and run his/her enterprise successfully. He/she should possess some abilities and skills to perform dissimilar activities successfully.

Following are certain traits and characteristics of a successful entrepreneur:

i. Creativity:

Refers to the ability of an entrepreneur to bring out new means to run a business. An entrepreneur needs to verify the feasibility of the new idea before implementing it. Creativity and innovation are e'er used interchangeably, but there is a huge difference between both of these 2 words. Creativity is bringing something new into existence, whereas innovation is doing new things. Therefore, creativity is a prerequisite for innovation.

ii. Innovation:

Refers to the ability of an entrepreneur to provide things in a novel style. It is a specific instrument of entrepreneurship to add value to products or services or the unique recombination of resources to give something new to the world. The market is never saturated for an entrepreneur.

For example, replacing fruits with soft drinks is non merely an innovative activeness. Information technology tin exist a new method of decreasing the toll of production, improving the design of the product, and increasing the marketplace share by beating the competitors. Innovation is the consequence of continuous generation of new thoughts and ideas.

three. Dynamism:

Refers to one of the of import characteristics of an entrepreneur. A successful entrepreneur should strive to bring dynamism to industries and markets. He/she should be able to convert a new idea into a successful innovation. He/she should supersede inferior innovations across markets and industries with new products.

four. Gamble Taking and Determination Making Power:

Refers to the capability of entrepreneurs to make decisions under the conditions of doubt. They should have courage to put everything on stake to convert his/her idea into a reality. Yet, he/she should assess risks involved in the decision and estimate the probability of success before interim upon.

v. Self-Motivation:

Implies that an entrepreneur tin can be successful if he/she is guided by inner cocky and motivated to reach set goals. In addition, an entrepreneur should take initiative to do something beyond their job requirement or the demand of the situation. He/she should too expect for opportunities and take necessary actions to avail them.

6. Cocky-Confidence:

Refers to i of the most required attributes in an entrepreneur that brings success in everything they do. An entrepreneur has a strong belief in self and own abilities. They express confidence in completing any task or coming together any claiming. They stick to the judgment in the confront of opposition or early lack of success. They feel confident enough to take new challenges.

vii. Time Management:

Refers the skill of an entrepreneur to manage time effectively and efficiently. He/she should strive to work within the allotted fourth dimension or before that, and utilize rest of time in learning more skills.

viii. Persistence:

Implies that an entrepreneur should keep putting repetitive efforts or dissimilar actions to get over the obstacles. He/she should not exist discouraged by the initial failure or obstacle that they get in the manner of reaching goals.

ix. Problem Solving:

Indicates the ability of an entrepreneur to solve problems rather than fugitive them. An entrepreneur should place the cause of issues that come in the way and searches potentially unique ideas to solve them. He/she should either switch to an alternative strategy to reach a goal or generate innovative solutions.

10. Flexibility:

Helps an entrepreneur to adapt to the changing marketplace, strategies of competitors, and preferences of customers. It as well helps the entrepreneur to make necessary changes in his/her products and services every bit per the market weather.

eleven. Vision:

Refers to the characteristic of an entrepreneur to visualize the way to successfully consummate tasks to reach set goals and objectives. In improver, the entrepreneur should communicate his/her with all shareholders of the enterprise, which, in turn, motivates them to attain the set goals.

xii. Leadership:

Refers to i of the most indispensable quality of an entrepreneur that decides the success of the organization. The leadership spirit helps the entrepreneur to move forward in every sphere of his/her life. The entrepreneur should be able to handle the problem effectively, generating resources, and influence others to perform efficiently.

xiii. Technical Noesis:

Implies that an entrepreneur should be able to sympathize all the technical aspects, such as systems, procedures, and methodology, used in product. Additionally, he/she should need to develop technical skills to empathise, communicate, and lead the technical staff of the enterprise.

Functions of an Entrepreneur :

An entrepreneur takes the risk and organizes resources to establish and operate his/her enterprise. He/she identifies and traps the existing opportunities in the market, converts thought into activeness, bears the risk and uncertainties involved, and takes promotional activities to launch the enterprise. In addition, they strive for excellence in their field.

Some of the functions of an entrepreneur are described as follows:

i. Idea Generation:

Implies that an entrepreneur identifies business organization opportunities, selects the most suitable business concern opportunity, and converts that opportunity/idea into a successful business venture.

two. Promotion:

Indicates that in today'due south time the activities of entrepreneurs are not only limited to constitute an enterprise. Present, entrepreneurs are also involved in various other activities, such as promoting for setting up a new enterprise, attracting the investors, expanding the existing enterprise, and combining 2 or more than enterprises. As a promoter, an entrepreneur conducts feasibility studies, decides the form of organization, assembles the required resources, such as capital and human resource, and shapes up the enterprise.

iii. Adventure and Uncertainty Begetting:

Implies that an enterprise needs to bear risks involved in establishing a new enterprise or starting a new business organization venture. He/she should be set to comport the losses that may ascend because of unforeseen situations in time to come. He/she does not hesitate in doing new things and adopting new methods of production.

iv. Arranging Finance:

Indicates that entrepreneurs arrange finance for setting up the enterprise. An entrepreneur is an individual, who provides initial capital letter to start the venture and arranges additional funds required to carry on activities and expand the concern.

v. Staffing:

Signifies that an entrepreneur needs to employ individuals with the required skill-sets for operating in the unlike functions of the organizations.

What Does Labor Operate In Order To Produce Goods And Services?,


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